Window Decorating Contest

Back by popular demand! Your business can help promote the BIGGEST day of giving of the year while showcasing your creativity and having fun!

Cash prizes awarded to the nonprofits selected by the winning businesses!

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The Rules

Open to any Adams County business (including nonprofits).

Windows can be decorated from April 1 – 14.

Exterior window display must be visible to the public from outside of the building.

**Design must include the following three elements:

  1. The phrase: Give Hastings Day
  2. May 1

Displays may include (but not required):

  • Give Hastings Day logo
  • Call to action of: Give Now
  • Promotion of specific nonprofit organization(s)

To Enter:

  • Photos of completed window decorating should be emailed to no later than Monday, April 14 at noon. Entries will receive confirmation when photos are received.
  • While businesses may email up to three photos, the Give Hastings Day committee will select only ONE photo for entry into the contest.
  • If multiple windows of a business are decorated, it is suggested that the business submit a photo that best captures all windows. Submission of an image that is a collage of multiple windows is allowed.
  • Window displays are encouraged to stay up through Give Hastings Day (on May 1), but length of display is not required.

Voting Process:

Give Hastings Day committee will post a photo album on Facebook by Friday, April 18 with one photo from each eligible entry. Those images with the most “likes” by Friday, April 25 at noon will determine the winner. Please note:

  • The two business windows with the most votes will be named the winners. In the event of a tie, the Give Hastings Day committee will make the final decision.
  • Each winning business will receive $500 to be allocated to eligible Give Day organization(s).
  • The Give Hastings Day committee will also select a business to receive the “Committee’s Choice” award of $500 to be awarded to any eligible Give Hastings Day organization(s).
  • Nonprofit organizations who received Window Decorating Contest prize money in the previous year are ineligible to receive contest prize money in the following year.


Once the fun is over and you need to clean off a painted window, the combination of Dawn Power Spray and a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can't be beat.

Window Decorating Resources

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